Yr Amser Gorffennol - Revision Crossword 2

Posted by Super User in Yr Amser Gorffennol - Revision Crossword 2. Created on 3 years ago.
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1 She heard the music. (short form) = ....... y gerddoriaeth.
2 They had walked home. = ....... ... wedi cerdded adref.
3 I had been to Cardiff before. = Roeddwn i .... bod yng Nghaerdydd o'r blaen.
1 We won the game.(short form) = ........ ni'r gêm.
2 He drove all night.(short form) = ....... drwy'r nos.
3 I forgot the milk. (short form) = .......... y llaeth.
4 We ran home. (short form) = ...... ni adref.
5 He was building a shed. = ..... yn adeiladu sied.
6 I saw a sunrise over the bay. = ....... godiad haul dros y bae.
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